Initial Exam & Treatment


The initial exam and treatment is approximately 40-45 min. This is where we listen to your complaint, complete an examination, then discuss the treatment options with you. We offer multiple therapies and make sure you are comfortable with the entire process.

Routine Visit 


Routine visits are approximately 20-30 mins long. This is where we treat the identified problem. This will include working with the muscles, joints and other factors that may be causing pain or dysfunction. 

Cash Patient Package*

$700 for 10 routine visits

Cash patient package includes 10 visits with a 10 dollar discount per visit. This discount is offered as a time of service discount and cannot be billed to your insurance. 

*Package rate is for individual use only. It must be used within a year from the date of purchase. Unused dollar amount at the end of the year can be used as credit towards the cash discounted routine visit rate applicable at the time, or refunded by request.


There is a 24 hour cancellation policy. If you do not cancel your appointment within 1 business day notice or you no show for an appointment, you are responsible for $25 cancellation fee. Please leave a voicemail, calls are time stamped and will be returned in the order that they are received. In the case of an emergency, when missing the appointment is unavoidable, this fee may be waived, however please do contact us as soon as you can.


There is a 48 hour cancellation policy. If you do not cancel your appointment within 2 business days notice or you no show for an appointment, you are responsible for the FULL AMOUNT of the massage. Please leave a voicemail, calls are time stamped and will be returned in the order that they are received. In the case of an emergency, when missing the appointment is unavoidable, this fee may be waived, however please do contact us as soon as you can.



Massage therapy has become an important element in health and wellness, with a large body of research indicating its value for a wide variety of health issues, including stress relief and pain management. Our massage therapists specialize in the following styles of massage:

TMJ Massage

Prenatal Massage

Sports Massage

Swedish Massage

Deep Tissue Massage

Extended Treatment (combo of Swedish & Deep Tissue)